(Newsletter of September 3, 2023)
What: Community-organized information session
When: Sunday, September 3rd from 1pm-2pm
Where: Philosopher’s Wool store, 2 Alma Street, Tiverton
Please rsvp at PWEPreserve@gmail.com
Join us at Philosopher’s Wool for an information session regarding a proposed housing development in Inverhuron (80+ units, multiple-story commercial building, parking lot etc.), northwest of Alma Street and Albert Road, right across from the Provincial Park entrance.
At this meeting there will be a presentation explaining what exactly the Tidman development consists of, at what stage in the approval process it is, and the environmental and other concerns this proposal presents. Several species that are supposed to be protected under the Endangered Species Act are present on this land, and their habitat is under threat. The property consists of significant natural heritage features, including mature woodland and a tract of the Little Sauble River. The Municipality is seeking to facilitate development in fragile natural environments such as this, which should instead remain protected. If this development is allowed to go forward, it will set a dangerous precedent, potentially opening the floodgates for similar projects in the area. That’s why it’s so important that we remain informed and stand up against this development now.
The public meeting, organized through the Philosopher’s Wool Environmental Preserve, is an opportunity to learn and converse about a project that will deeply affect the Inverhuron community. We will do our best to address any questions you may have, and we will circulate a petition. Please email us to let us know you’re coming, and spread the word. We look forward to an informative and fruitful exchange!
If you’re unable to attend the meeting but are interested in receiving a link to the online petition, please email us to let us know.
If you’d like to access the available documentation pertaining the Tidman development, please go to the following link on the municipal website, scroll down below Active Applications and click on S-2022-015 Z-2022-084 Tidman