We wanted to take a moment in the midst of this busy time to give you all a brief update on our work, and to let you know how you can participate.
The municipality is undergoing their comprehensive zoning by-law review, which governs land use in our area. You can review the documents here (we find that the maps are especially helpful). The municipality will host an open house this coming Tuesday, October 29th, followed by a Public Meeting on November 13th (the latter is in hybrid format and can be attended virtually as well as in person; for detailed times see the end of this email). All public comments must be received by November 22nd.
We encourage you to send in comments and participate; the municipality is asking that comments from the public be sent in using their online feedback form (can also be accessed through the following link: If you have trouble with this, you can always email Jennifer Lawrie, the Municipal Clerk at
We are currently in the process of preparing an alternative Land Use proposal, which we will present to the Municipality and County shortly; we will also make the document available on our website upon completion, hopefully by the end of next week.
In the meantime, here's a summary of the situation and a reminder of why we are opposing the current land use designation of Inverhuron (you are free to use this portion of the text as a template for your comments to the municipality):
Inverhuron and the Lakeshore are currently designated as Primary Urban Communities in the current Bruce County Official Plan (BCOP); the Draft OP proposes to designate these areas as Secondary Urban Communities. We are concerned that putting Inverhuron on par with much larger urban hubs such as Walkerton, Kincardine and Port Elgin would put undue stress on the natural heritage features of the area, especially since “up to 80% of new development will take place in Primary and Secondary Settlement Areas” (BCOP p. 21). Inverhuron does not have full municipal services, hence neither a Primary or Secondary Urban designation seems appropriate.
We do not support development on the scale typical for Primary or Secondary Settlement areas in Inverhuron and along the Lakeshore, due to expected negative impacts on the ecological function and biodiversity of natural heritage systems in the area; land use compatibility concerns; lack of infrastructure; and traffic impacts, amongst other points of concern. We are therefore requesting that the Municipality reconsider the overall land use designation of Inverhuron. These comments are in reference to Schedule A, Zoning Maps 27, 33, 39, 61 and 62 (Schedule A-3 and A-4 of the current OP).
Designating these areas as Primary or Secondary Settlement would result in direct conflict with multiple objectives put forward in the the municipal official plan, including the following:
C.2.1.1 “The quality of the natural environment of the Municipality of Kincardine shall be preserved and enhanced”
C2.2.1 “The use and protection of natural features such as the Penetangore River Valleys and the Lake Huron shoreline shall be promoted in order to enhance the overall built and natural environment within the Municipality.”
C2.2.3 “The diversity and connectivity of natural features in an area, and the long-term ecological function and biodiversity of natural heritage systems, should be maintained, restored, or, where possible, improved, recognizing linkages between and among natural heritage features and areas, surface water features and ground water features”.
Again, advocating for the right land use designation will go a long way in helping us oppose environmentally destructive developments such as Tidman and Sundance.
Thank you all for your continued support. We will keep you informed as the situation evolves.
Stay tuned!
The Team @ PWEP
The Philosopher’s Wool Environmental Preserve
2 Alma Street
Tiverton, ON
Respectfully acknowledging that I live, work and benefit from the Lands and Waters of the Saugeen Ojibway Nation.
Open House Notice for Zoning By-Law Update
You're invited to attend an open house to discuss the Municipality of Kincardine Draft Zoning By-Law and provide your feedback.
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
2 - 4 p.m. and 5 - 7 p.m.Municipal Administration Centre1475 Concession 5, Kincardine, ON
Public Meeting Notice
You're invited to consider proposed changes to the Municipality of Kincardine Zoning By-Law
Wednesday, November 13, 2024 at 5 p.m.