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November 12, 2024 – November 13th Municipal Public meeting + PWEP Land Use Proposal for Inverhuron



Just a quick note to invite you to check out the new Land Use page on our website. As promised, we have prepared and posted an alternative land use proposal for Inverhuron, which we have submitted to the municipality and the county. We invite you to take a look at PWEP's proposal.

In summary, we are proposing to change Inverhuron's designation from the current Primary Urban Community (and the County's suggested Secondary Urban Community - see Schedule A on our website) back to Hamlet; in addition we are requesting boundary adjustments that would reduce the settlement area. Finally, we are suggesting special policy areas to protect specific natural heritage features. Taken together, we hope that these measures would help avoid destructive sprawl in our area and safeguard fragile natural environments throughout Inverhuron and the lakeshore.

If you agree with our proposal, please consider sharing your comments with the municipality and the county. Feel free to use the following message (details on how and where to submit can be found here):

I am writing to share my comments with regards to Kincardine's Comprehensive Zoning By-Law Review and Bruce County's Official Plan Review. I am concerned that designating Inverhuron as an Urban Community, either Primary or Secondary, would encourage intensive development and cause irreversible damage to fragile natural environments throughout this area. I am also concerned about land use compatibility issues; lack of infrastructure; and traffic impacts, amongst other points of concern. I therefore support the PWEP alternative land use proposal, and respectfully request that Inverhuron's land use designation be reverted to Hamlet; that boundary adjustments be implemented to reduce the settlement area; and that special policy areas be created to protect natural heritage features, as outlined in the PWEP proposal. These comments are in reference to Schedule A, Zoning Maps 27, 33, 39, 61 and 62, and County of Bruce Schedule A: Land use (Lakeshore Section)

As a reminder, the Public Meeting with regards to Kincardine's Comprehensive Zoning By-Law Review is on November 13th, at 5pm. The deadline for submitting public comments on this matter is November 22nd. All the details about this can be found on our website, and on the municipal website at

Thank you for all you do! 

The Team @ PWEP

The Philosopher’s Wool Environmental Preserve

2 Alma Street

Tiverton, ON

Respectfully acknowledging that we live, work and benefit from the Lands and Waters of the Saugeen Ojibway Nation.

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