We hope you've all had a good start into 2025! Here's our first update of the year:
Judicial review
With regards to the Tidman development proposal, we were just informed that the first hearing on the matter of standing will take place toward the end of April (exact date TBA). While of course no outcome is ever guaranteed, our legal counsel is confident that PWEP's chances at being granted standing by the court are very good. Being granted standing would strengthen our overall case even more, so this is a really important step.
Our chances of winning this first round are excellent, and together we've been able to put up a strong fight so far, thanks to your help and financial support! But the opposing side has requested a whole day in court, which will drive up our costs substantially.
We will need to raise an additional $12'000 by April as a result. The good news is that if (when!) we win, we will be able to recover up to 75% of those costs, allowing us to put that same money to work for the second hearing.
Once again we need your help: can please make a donation to help us raise the necessary funds to get us through this first hearing?
We know it's a lot to ask, but if you can, please donate here. Thanks to our partnership with the Small Change Fund, your donation is tax creditable, and until February 28 2025, you will receive a tax receipt that can be applied to your 2024 OR 2025 taxes, as announced by the Government of Canada.
As a reminder, you can read all about the Tidman project and why PWEP is opposing it on our website. We hope you can help us in this important fight to safeguard fragile natural environments in Inverhuron.
Kincardine Comprehensive Zoning By-Law Review
Thanks to the PWEP email campaign in which you all so effectively participated, our message to municipal council and planning staff was made very clear: an urban settlement designation is not appropriate for any portion of Inverhuron, and boundaries should be reconsidered. As a result, a second Public Meeting has been scheduled by the Municipality for February 12th at 5pm. Public comments will be accepted until February 14th. The final Draft of the zoning by-law review is expected to come before the Municipal Council on March 12th. For further details, including a summary of community comments, you can visit the municipal website at the following link:
We invite you to attend the public meeting, if you can, and submit any additional comments you may have. It has been suggested by planning staff that the changes we are requesting in the PWEP Alternative Land Use Proposal could potentially be made at a later date, outside the framework of the municipal zoning by-law review and the County Official Plan review. We maintain that it would be best not to delay. We will keep the pressure on, and will keep you informed every step of the way.
Thank you for all you do. We've already come a long way, and none of this would be possible without you!
In gratitude,
The Team @ PWEP
The Philosopher’s Wool Environmental Preserve
2 Alma Street
Tiverton, ON
Respectfully acknowledging that we live, work and benefit from the Lands and Waters of the Saugeen Ojibway Nation.